The Metropolitans museums (RMM) organizes from December 7th to May 19th the seventh edition of Le Temps des Collections (“Collections’ time”)
This programme launched in 2012 at Rouen's Beaux-Arts Museum is one of the very first initiatives in France to put the collections back at the heart of the museums’ programming. Each time it is the occasion to reveal the richness and variety of the public collections, to unveil the other side of the scenery and the mysteries of the museum's stores as well as to promote rediscoveries by opening the museums to new sights. Many guests have been invited: curators, historians, artists, personalities from the cultural world, or more recently the public with the Chambre des visiteurs (“Visitors' chamber”)
This season about Fashion & Textiles is the opportunity to unveil the rich collection of jewellery preserved by the Metropolitans Museums.
Oceanian’s trimming, necklaces and Châtelaine from the 18th century, Merovingian’s fibulae, New Guinean’s amulets, Gallo romans treasures, Normand’s traditional jewellery… The Metropolitans museums’ collections are rich thanks to the diversity of exceptional pieces that allow us to question the role of jewellery and adornment in human societies. Focusing on symbolic, socials, sentimental, gender, or politic values attached to these adornments, this exhibition will present pieces out of the Antiquity Museum, Fabrique des Savoirs, Natural History Museum, Beaux-Arts Museum, and Secq des Tournelles Museum, brought together for the occasion. If some of the artworks are regularly presented in the permanents collections, others will be showcased here for the first time.